Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Cold Call

"Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new." - Brian Tracy

How would you know if they are interested or not? Go and ask. 

At the time I was selling copiers and printing machines, I'm usually reluctant to enter an office where I don't have any appointment at all - the cold call. Literally, the feeling is cold. Try entering a stranger's house and you will experience the "coldest" accommodation. 

The Risograph RZ model

My favorite product - Minolta Dialta 1610.

Many times, they won't even allow you to come inside, you just peep at the door and ask the guard if there is someone you can talk to regarding the products you sell. The usual response is: 

"Ah, they're busy." 
"Do you have appointment?" (Will I ask him who I can talk to if I have appointment?)
"Just leave your brochures."

Well, I really have to do it. We are required atleast two cold calls per day. The rationale is to maximize our opportunity in the area and cover as many accounts as possible. 

I spent almost two years in that company, my first BTW. And I must say, the cold calls helped me a lot today. 

Conquer your fears. Discover the unknown. 

Ooops! Did I say that half of my sales back then were from cold calls?

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